Candidate FAQ's

If you don't find the answers to your questions and queries here, please Contact Us with your question and we'll get back to you.


Sign up and register as a candidate. Once you register, you will receive an email notification to confirm your registration. (*If you don't receive it, check your junk/spam folder and add Essential Hiring to your safe sender list). Once you confirm your registration, you can log back in and begin creating your profile.

Yes. You need to complete your profile in full. By completing your profile in full, you maximize the opportunities that you may be eligible and qualified for.

Yes. You should have a resume. While you can create your profile without one (in order to accommodate candidates registering on their mobile devices), companies who are searching through their matches expect to be able to quickly review a job candidate's resume.

No. The Essential Hiring platform is free to use for job candidates.

If you decide you do not want to be apart of our platform, and have taken shifts through our system you can simply email us at and let us know that you know longer wish to work with us or be in our system.


Yes. Only pre-screened job candidates can get access to jobs and shifts.

Due to the current situation, pre-screening may be done in person (with social distancing practices in place) or via skype, zoom or other video chat. Pre-screening may take place over several in-person/online sessions, depending on the role and responsibilities job candidates may undertake.

Any applicable licenses and/or certifications are uploaded to your profile on our secure candidate database. In some instances, job candidates may be asked to provide hard copies to their employers.


If you pass the pre-screening, you will be eligible for employment offers immediately.

Technically, you don't. You get matched to jobs that you are eligible, qualified and available for, based on what the company is looking for. Once a company receives your profile you will receive an email notifying you of available jobs and shifts. Once you review the details you should accept/decline the job or shift(s), as soon as possible, as other job candidates will also be receiving notifications for the same opportunities.

Yes you can. We try to provide lots of opportunities for entry-level jobs that require little to no experience.

It depends on whether jobs matching your profile are in the system. If they are, you can receive offers immediately.

Currently, we are serving the Eastern Ontario region, including Toronto, Mississauga, Brampton, Kingston and Ottawa. We will be adding more cities as we expand into new regions.

Once you have accepted a job or shift, you can send a message to the company contact through the Essential Hiring platform. ***However, please remember, when cancelling jobs or shifts, please contact us directly, as last minute cancellation can go against our companies policies.

Yes, you can work for more than one company as long as you match the job's eligibility and availability, and it does not conflict with shifts that you are booked for.

Yes, you can work for other employers or agencies while being employed by Essential Hiring.

Essential Hiring is your employer. All wages and salaries are paid by Essential Hiring. The companies that you may work for, are clients of Essential Hiring. Any issues or concerns regarding workplace matters, other than health and safety, are to be addressed with Essential Hiring.


Once you submit your working hours to us accordingly, candidates are paid every two weeks through cheque or direct deposit.

You will earn the hourly, weekly or monthly wage specified for the job or shift you are accepting. The rate of pay is always set by the company (an Essential Hiring client) you will be working for at that time.

Yes. Any earnings you generate through Essential Hiring are taxable, in accordance with the Canada Revenue Agency Act.

If the salary you received is incorrect, simply email Essential Hiring at with your query, and we will review your account.


With the exception of sudden emergencies (in which case documentation may be required), if you are scheduled for a shift, you are responsible to attend your shift. We can accommodate certain reasonable circumstances on a case-by-case basis. However, do keep in mind that this can affect your rating on the platform.


With the exception of sudden emergencies (in which case documentation may be required), you will automatically be removed from our candidate database, and a rating will be placed on your profile.


After your shift(s) or first schedule is completed, the company (an Essential Hiring client) you will be working with will be prompted to rate and review your performance.

Your review will be based on a number of factors, from showing up to your shift on time, being professional, following instructions and much more. The better your work ethic, the better your rating will be.

Ultimately, negative reviews may be a reflection of your work ethic. If you are constantly receiving negative reviews, based on factors other than tardiness or no-shows, we will work with you to try and help you resolve the issues that may be arising.

If you do not get reviewed after your shift or schedule, it may be pending approval. Companies that do not leave reviews will be reminded to. However, reviews will come as job candidates begin accepting more and more opportunities.

The companies you accepted shifts from through our platform will be able to leave a review for you. In addition, Essential Hiring may also leave a review for you.